Final exam / exam preparation
Are your final school exams approaching? You know all too well how important the Matura is for your life ahead. Do you need a teacher’s support in revising the material that you will be tested on? Useful tips on how to handle the types of questions in the exams? Then get in contact with us! We will be happy to engage with you and support you in your move into life’s next stage.

Exam preparation with Flying Teachers
Preparation for Matura final school exams
Do you still have gaps in your knowledge or need assistance in structuring revision? Our Matura prep course revises material and helps you gain confidence in handling exam questions, as well as offering you valuable tips on how to succeed in the exams.
We can also provide you with support in drawing up a book list for the Matura.
Preparation for the Vocational Matura
Our prep course for the Berufsmatura concentrates primarily on revising material tested in the exam and helping participants gain confidence in handling the questions they will be confronted with. Gaps in knowledge will be filled and we will provide course participants with valuable tips for the exam. Learning strategies for participants to study outside of lessons are also developed.
Preparation for the Qualification Test (QV)
The Qualification Test will also be easier and less stressful by attending a preparatory course. We provide you with the necessary support in revising the material you will be confronted with, as well as structuring your learning at home and filling gaps in knowledge. We naturally also offer you valuable tips and exam strategies.
We are happy to provide you with further details and information:
Tel: 044 350 33 44