Italian in Ticino


Italian in Ticino

Italian belongs to the Romance branch of the Indo-European languages. It is not only spoken in Italy, but also in Switzerland and is the official language in Ticino. Combine the useful with the pleasant and attend an intensive language course with Flying Teachers in Ticino. Here you can also use Italian after the lessons

Italian and gain language practice.

Ticino is located on the southern side of the Alps and is largely surrounded by Italy. Not only do people speak Italian here, but the food, culture and attitude to life are also influenced by Italy. You can enjoy life in a subtropical landscape surrounded by lakes and a mild, southern climate.


Intensive French or Italian courses for pupils

Would you like to brush up your French or Italian and learn as much as possible in a short space of time?
Then attend our intensive language lessons in Suisse Romande or Ticino. Lessons take place from Monday to Friday from 09.00-12.00.
The afternoons are free and available for sport and fun.

Ungarn Sprachcamps Schueler
Ungarn Sprachcamps Schueler
Sprachreise Fuehrungskraefte 02
Sprachreise Fuehrungskraefte 02

Intensive French or Italian courses for managers

Combine your holiday or business trip with targeted, intensive language training. Specialised language lessons, tailored to your needs. Individual training or training in mini-groups. Courses lasting from one week to a maximum of two weeks.


We will be happy to provide you with more information and details on Deposal:
Tel: +41 (0)44 350 33 44

Any questions?