Courses for the language support area

Here you will find the selection within the framework of the Integration Agenda Canton of Zurich (IAZH)

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Courses in German for the job market

The German for the job market courses enable participants to manage their daily lives autonomously and to gain access to the job market as well as to the education and training system by expanding and consolidating their written and oral language skills. As a rule, these courses lead to the IAZH's offers in the field of work integration. The courses are offered on an intensive or semi-intensive basis.

Local German Courses

The local German courses enable the participants to cope with their everyday life autonomously. They promote communication skills in the German language as well as orientation in everyday life in Switzerland. They strengthen social integration and facilitate personal contacts. The courses deal with aspects of everyday life and address (integration) offers in the living environment. The courses are offered extensively.

Intensive literacy courses

In these courses, participants learn or improve their reading and writing skills in order to participate in everyday and professional life in Switzerland. In addition to the Latin alphabet, participants also learn the basics of the German language and the education system in Switzerland. At the same time, everyday maths and ICT skills as well as learning and working techniques are taught.

Vollschulisches Bildungsangebot

Dieses ganzjährige Programm richtet sich an Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene, die sich auf die Sekundarstufe II vorbereiten wollen. Das Angebot umfasst 28 Lektionen schulische Bildung pro Woche mit Fokus auf Sprachförderung auf A2-Niveau, Mathematik, IKT und Allgemeinbildung. Neben der Deutschen Sprache lernen Sie auch den Arbeitsmarkt und das Bildungssystem in der Schweiz kennen. Im Bewerbungstraining bekommen die Lernenden Informationen zum Bewerbungsprozess und wenden das Gelernte auch gleich an. Dazu gehören neben den branchenspezifischen Sprachkenntnissen auch Alltagsmathematik- und IKT-Kenntnisse sowie Lern- und Arbeitstechniken und Allgemeinbildung.

Book a course tailored to your needs
Request an integration course

Request an integration course

Information on the desired IAZH course:

Informationen über den gewünschten IAZH-Kurs:

Details zum Kunden:

Details of the client:

Street, postal code, city

Informationen des Sozialberaters:

Information from the social counsellor:

Street, postal code, city

Any questions?