Latest news
📚 Integrationskurs Deutsch mit Ziel Arbeitsmarkt 📚
Dank des engagierten Einsatzes von Mirsime Muja Durmishi machen unsere SchülerInnen wöchentlich grosse Fortschritte im Deutschlernen. Neben der Sprache lernen unsere SchülerInnen alles Nötige, um erfolgreich in den Schweizer Arbeitsmarkt einzusteigen.
Wir sind stolz auf die Leistungen unserer SchülerInnen und freuen uns auf weitere Erfolge! 🌟

Flying Teachers an der EBSN Jahreskonferenz in Valladolid ✈
Vom 26. bis 28. Juni 2024 durfte ein Team von Flying Teachers an der Jahreskonferenz des European Basic Skills Network - EBSN in Valladolid teilnehmen und diese mitgestalten. Die Konferenz begann dieses Jahr erstmals mit einem Netzwerkanlass, der viele spannende Projektideen für die Zukunft hervorbrachte.
🎓 Unsere Integrationsklasse auf Foto-Trophy in Zürich! 🌟
Die Teilnehmenden unserer Integrationsklasse haben nicht nur ihre Sprachkenntnisse verbessert und wertvolle Einblicke in die Schweizer Kultur und Arbeitswelt gewonnen, sondern auch die Stadt Zürich lieben gelernt. 🏙️
Wir wünschen den zukünftigen Absolventinnen und Absolventen viel Erfolg und hoffen, dass sie weiterhin die Schönheit und Gastfreundschaft der Stadt Zürich geniessen! 🍀✨

📸 IAZH Lehrkräftetreffen 🎉
Am 06.06.2024 fand ein inspirierendes Treffen von Lehrpersonen im Integrationsbereich statt, die mit ihrem Engagement massgeblich zur Integration von Flüchtlingen beitragen. 🌍🤝
Unsere Lehrpersonen haben ihre Erfahrungen und Best Practices ausgetauscht und innovative Methoden zur Sprachförderung diskutiert. Dieses Treffen diente zudem der fortlaufenden internen Weiterbildung.
Wir sind stolz auf unsere Lehrpersonen, die tagtäglich daran arbeiten, Brücken zu bauen und Integration zu fördern. Ihre Arbeit macht einen echten Unterschied!✨
Students & Teachers Party 2024
Am 24. Mai feierte Flying Teachers die erste "Students & Teachers Party" in Zürich-Oerlikon. Die Veranstaltung brachte SchülerInnen und Lehrpersonen zu einem Abend voller Musik, Tanz und interkulturellem Austausch zusammen. Es war eine ausgelassene Feier, die das Gemeinschaftsgefühl stärkte und den kulturellen Austausch förderte.

Accreditation fide Bern
We are delighted to inform you that our training centre in the heart of Bern’s old town (Marktgasse 25, 3011 Bern) has been accredited as a fide exam centre through to 2027! fide ✅
This extension is a confirmation of our quality and competence in the language exam sector and enables us to provide you with the best opportunities to succeed in your language endeavours!✨
Register for your fide language exam and take the next step towards your language goal! 🌍📚
ICC languages Conference 2024
Σας ευχαριστώ πολύ, Αθήνα!
We are very happy to have been able to participate in the 30th annual ICClanguagesConference2024 in Greece 🇬🇷
Under the motto of "Transforming Language Education", we had an exciting exchange with European partners in lectures, workshops and talks. ICC-the International Language Association
🌟 Connecting with brilliant minds in education and immersing ourselves in the realm of AI was an exhilarating experience! 😊
We are thrilled to have had this chance to engage with inspiring educators, absorb fresh perspectives, and broaden our understanding. Let’s embark on this voyage of growth together! 🚀🌱
Special thanks to Movetia – Austausch und Mobilität for this mobility project!

Global school education programme
We are delighted to share news with our LinkedIn network that Flying Teachers has succeeded in having its global school education programme "Hoi Züri" accredited by the canton of Zurich (Department of Justice and the Interior, Canton Zurich). 🌟
The programme is directed towards refugees and temporarily accepted persons aged between 16 and 25. The educational programme aims at encouraging and enabling young people to integrate and get involved in civil society and offer the best possible preparation to enter the job market. 🌐Uniquely, Flying Teachers offers integrated workshops and excursions, as well as providing job application workshops which offer the participants comprehensive individual support. 👨🎓
Course dates:
19.08.2024 - 11.07.2025
24.02.2025 - 06.02.2026
Get in contact with us to secure your place on our programme – numbers are limited!
👤 Emanuele Pierro
📞 +41 44 350 33 44
Dobar dan Hrvatska!
From 2 – 6 April this year, a number of our team members were able to take part in a further
education programme titled Adult Education Institution Dante in the Croatian port of Rijeka.
During the five days, we were immersed in the world of learning, including interactive workshops and productive exchange with colleagues. It was a valuable opportunity to gain new perspectives, deepen our knowledge and strengthen relationships within the team. 🙌
Food for thought was complimented by dinner in a local restaurant, offering an opportunity to become personally acquainted with Dalmatian cuisine.😋
Many thanks to Movetia – Austausch und Mobilität for their support!

Discover Flying Teachers: language training redefined!
As a centre of language training, our tailored courses in line with Swiss quality standards set a benchmark in the branch. 📏
For close to 20 years we have been in productive partnership with the Zurich Hotel School and offer educational programmes that connect people and bring them forward. 🎓
You can discover more about our future plans by reading the latest article in Discover Germany (Switzerland & Austria) Magazine.
🌟 As part of our integration course on the topic of being "On the Move", the teacher came up with something special: an exciting city tour through Zurich! Not only were directions practiced, but also describing sights and navigating through the city. At Flying Teachers, we rely on interactive lessons and direct learning transfer - so that our students not only learn languages, but can also use them directly! 💬🌐

Flying Teachers wishes all ladies a wonderful Women’s Day full of love, strength and inspiration. You deserve respect and recognition today and ever day thereafter!
News on Integration 2024:
The State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) has extended the contract with Flying Teachers as sponsor for the fide office for a further four years, from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2027. This decision enables Flying Teachers to continue its valuable work in promoting language and integration.
The Integration Unit Canton Zurich (Department of Justice and the Interior, Canton Zurich) has extended course accreditation for "German for the Job Market", "German Local" and "literacy courses“ for a further four years. This extension, valid from 1 January this year through to the end of 2027, underlines the ongoing confidence the Flying Teachers courses enjoy.
These renewed accreditations and the contract extension enable us to further intensify our commitment to supporting refugees. The courses are specifically designed not only to support participants' language skills, but also to qualify them for the Swiss job market and facilitate their social integration.
The extension of the contracts and accreditations is a clear sign of confidence in the expertise and commitment of Flying Teachers. With qualified teachers and a supportive learning environment, Flying Teachers will continue to make an important contribution to social integration in the coming years.

NEWS Learning Room on Tour:
In cooperation with Canton Zurich’s Middle School and Vocational Education department we have launched an innovative educational offensive. Titled Learning Room on Tour. The initiative’s aim is to offer education and support in the canton’s more rural areas.
The mobile learning rooms serve as walk-in centres that can be accessed without prior registration and offer practical help in areas such as job application processes, dealing with digital media, everyday mathematics, and reading and writing skills. This initiative enables people of all ages to receive support and expand their skills in an uncomplicated and direct manner.
By working with the Secondary School and Vocational Training Office of the Canton of Zurich, Flying Teachers underlines its commitment to providing access to education and personal development, especially in less urbanized areas. Visit us:
🌟 in the community and school library, Fehraltorf, (Co-Working-Space, Kempttalstr. 56, 8320 Fehraltorf), from 22 February until the end of May 2024 every Thursday from 5-7 p.m.
🌟 in the school library in Höri (Türmlihaus, top floor, Schulhausstr. 17, 8181 Höri) from 27 February until end of May 2024, every Tuesday from 4-6 p.m.
🌟 in Pfäffikon (Intercultural Forum Pfäffikon, Haus H7 Hochstr. 7, 8330 Pfäffikon), from 6 March until 29 May 2024, every Wednesday from 4-6 p.m.
Or contact us via:
📞 044 350 33 44
Sustainability strategy for 2024
Flying Teachers is committed to sustainability.
We aim to obtain a sustainability certificate in 2024.
We will work out the basis for this with our sustainability officer, Christoph Zahner.
Radka Höfer, our German teacher and school tutor, wrote to us on 1 December:
You will find the best customers/learners “ever”. I LOVE all my students, no matter what age.
The courses are so much fun and it is just great to see how even beginners progress step by step and notice that it helps them in everyday life/job. A very skeptical participant in a (company) course recently said that he was “almost” having fun with German for the first time. That’s nice, isn’t it?!
Our jubilees